By Jennifer Connelly

While some brands of food carry a heavy price tag, there are surprisingly affordable and quality options on the shelves. High quality does not equal high price! Researching which ingredients to avoid or gravitate towards and creating a comfortable budget is the best way to get started. Always speak with your veterinarian for advice on changing your dog’s diet.

The saying “you are what you eat” applies not only to humans but also to our beloved canine companions. The quality of a dog’s diet significantly influences not just their physical health but also their behavior and overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the notable differences in behavior between dogs fed a good-quality diet and those on a low-quality diet.

Energy Levels and Activity:

Dogs on a high-quality diet often exhibit higher energy levels and increased vitality. Nutrient-rich foods provide the necessary fuel for physical activities, promoting an active lifestyle. Conversely, dogs on a low-quality diet might experience energy fluctuations, leading to lethargy or hyperactivity due to insufficient or inconsistent nutrition.

Hearing that your dog could have higher energy might sound intimidating, but the level of focus and impulse control while still having energy is much easier to manage compared to a pup with intermittent, hyperactive energy due to imbalanced nutrients.

Mood and Temperament:

A well-balanced diet can positively impact a dog’s mood and temperament. Dogs consuming high-quality food with essential nutrients tend to be more content, relaxed, and less prone to mood swings. On the other hand, dogs fed a low-quality diet might display signs of irritability, anxiety, or restlessness due to nutritional deficiencies affecting their brain function.

Feeding your dog a balanced diet will not cure reactivity issues, but it will aid in their development and training. As always, dogs need a balanced approach. Changing a dog’s diet is one tool amongst many other key factors to change your approach with handling your pup.


Cognitive Function and Trainability:

Good nutrition plays a pivotal role in cognitive development and mental sharpness in dogs. Dogs on a quality diet may exhibit better learning abilities, improved focus, and enhanced trainability. Conversely, dogs on a poor diet might struggle with learning new commands, have difficulty concentrating, or display slower cognitive development.

Digestive Health and Comfort:

A dog’s diet greatly influences their digestive health. High-quality dog food tends to be more digestible and less likely to cause gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, vomiting, or gas. Dogs on a low-quality diet might experience frequent digestive upsets, leading to discomfort, stress, and potential behavioral changes due to physical distress. A tell-tale sign of your pup’s satisfaction with their diet is by observing their behavior. Eating stool, while not explicitly correlated, is a common behavior that is seen in dogs with a poor diet who are looking for more nutrients.

Because of certain food allergies and intolerances, it is important to examine ingredients in dog food to determine what is the right fit for your dog. For example, chicken allergies are very common in dogs, and it often causes G.I upset when a dog with an allergy ingests it. Many high quality ingredients contain chicken, so knowing what you’re feeding your pup is very important to making a positive impact on your pups digestive health.

Coat and Skin Condition:

The appearance of a dog’s coat and skin is a visible indicator of their overall health. Dogs fed a nutritious diet often boast a shiny coat, healthy skin, and reduced shedding. Conversely, a low-quality diet lacking essential nutrients may result in dry, flaky skin, a dull coat, and increased shedding, causing discomfort and potential behavioral changes due to skin irritations.

Adding food with higher levels of essential nutrients during seasons where you might see a coat change in your pup is something to consider. Always ask your veterinarian first before adding supplements to your pup’s diet.


The correlation between a dog’s diet and its behavior is undeniable. Providing your furry friend with high-quality, nutrient-dense food not only supports their physical health but also positively impacts their behavior, mood, and overall well-being. Conversely, a poor diet can lead to various behavioral issues, affecting your dog’s happiness and quality of life.

Choosing the right food for your dog is a critical aspect of responsible pet ownership. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the most suitable diet based on your dog’s age, size, breed, and specific health needs. By nourishing your dog with a balanced and high-quality diet, you’re not just ensuring their physical health but also contributing to a happy, well-behaved, and content companion.

As a start, check out for individual ingredient and overall reviews on your dog food.