Is your pet packing on some extra pounds? Take the survey below and help the Association for Pet Obesity by completing their survey and be entered for a chance to win some prizes! While you are at it, why not bring your pup in for a day of Daycare or a little Boarding vacation at Dogtopia, where they will burn off calories in our fun-filled playrooms and enjoy 10 hours of open play each day!

On Wednesday, October 11, 2017, The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention will conduct their Tenth Annual National Pet Obesity Awareness Day survey.


Sign up to receive a short questionnaire to be completed during October. For every completed survey, you will be entered into a drawing for a FREE copy of Dr. Ernie Ward’s book on pet obesity, nutrition, and home-prepared meals, “Chow Hounds.”

For more information, please visit: Pet Obesity Prevention