How to Select a Facility for Dog Boarding in Lafayette, CO
January 27, 2016
Choosing the right place to provide your pet with dog boarding in Lafayette, CO is, of course, an extremely important decision. If you are leaving town for an extended period of time, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not that decision was the right one. Here are some tips to help ensure your peace of mind and the happiness of your beloved dog while you are away.
Why Choose Dog Boarding in Lafayette, CO?
Dog boarding in Lafayette, CO will provide your pet with a fun, affectionate and stimulating environment – provided you make the right choice, of course. In addition, you will be secure in the knowledge that your furry family member will be in the best possible hands while you are away. While you probably could ask a friend, neighbor or family member to check in on your dog or keep him while you are gone, they have lives of their own and will probably not have the time to provide the level of care a professional can give to your pet.
There are several other reasons to use a boarding facility as well. For example, you will not have to worry about finding a hotel that accepts pets. Also, your dog will be in the care of experts who can immediately spot any potential problems and get them properly addressed quickly and effectively. And since the facility will be secure, you will not have to worry about your dog running away.
Get Recommendations
More than likely, someone you know has recently used dog boarding in Lafayette, CO. Ask them if they were happy with their choice and whether or not they would recommend it to you. Then, schedule a visit so you can see for yourself what the facilities you are considering have to offer. Check to make sure it is clean, has ample playroom and is staffed with professionals who truly love to care for dogs.
A Dogtopia staff member will be happy to take you on a tour and show you why we are the best choice for dog boarding in Lafayette, CO. Contact us online or call 720-263-4583 to schedule an appointment.