Lafayette Service Dog

Even Heroes Need Heroes

We are committed to uniting service dogs with military veterans. We do this by generating awareness of the benefits of service dogs, and hosting fundraisers throughout the year so we can help sponsor their training. Thanks to the continuous generosity of our pet parents and community supporters, we're making an impact.

We're honored to highlight our furry, four-legged heroes who have graduated from training as loyal, hardworking companions for the brave men and women who served our country. It's hard work to become a service dog for a veteran and only the best make the cut. The need for service dogs among veterans is great and with your support, we hope to sponsor many more.


Jewel the yellow lab service dog from canine companions


Service Dog Organization:

Canine Companions

Introducing Jewel, Dogtopia of Lafayette's First Service Dog For A Veteran! Sponsored with Canine Companions.

September 2024:

The journey of future service dog, Jewel, continues to unfold!

During her time with her dedicated volunteer puppy raiser in Denver, Colorado, Jewel has mastered crucial foundational cues, laying a strong groundwork for her upcoming professional training. She has been exposed to new experiences, from bustling train rides and movie theaters to various animals, office environments, and school environments with children. Each interaction has contributed to Jewel’s growth and readiness for the next phase.

Under the guidance of her puppy raiser, Jewel has thrived in an environment filled with socialization, puppy classes, enriching playtime, and, of course, boundless affection! Now, she is ready to embark on her journey into professional training, where she will collaborate closely with one of Canine Companions expert trainers to master the 45 essential tasks she will perform as a service dog.

As Jewel transitions into this new chapter, we wish Jewel good luck in her next journey and can’t wait to see what professional training holds for her.

October 2024:

Not long ago, Canine Companions adorable puppy, Jewel, embarked on her remarkable journey towards becoming a service dog. In those early days, Jewel was a whirlwind of boundless energy, eagerly discovering the world around her. Under the dedicated guidance of her puppy raiser, she was prepared for the next stage of her journey – professional training.

With tears of joy, Jewel’s loving puppy raisers, Emilia and Amber, entrusted the leash to the capable hands of professional trainer Amy at the Southwest Regional Training Center in Oceanside, California. Over the course of the next months, Amy diligently worked with Jewel, preparing her with the skills she needed to become an expertly trained service dog.

Throughout her professional training, Jewel honed her skills, mastering tasks such as retrieving dropped items, opening doors, and providing assistance with anxiety. Thanks to Amy’s efforts, Jewel now excels in her duties not only at home but also in public settings such as movie theaters, grocery stores, and office environments. Jewel also received comprehensive medical and temperamental testing to ensure that she will be healthy and happy in her upcoming role.

canine companions service dog college Jewel

It takes an exceptional dog to graduate as a service dog. They must be highly proficient in the trained tasks that help provide independence to a person with a disability. Jewel is looking forward to meeting her future partner at Team Training in the next update! Your support of dogs like Jewel helps provide increased independence, love, loyalty and the positivity of a canine partner for a veteran with a disability.

November 2024:

 After professional training with Amy, Jewel has made remarkable progress in her journey to becoming a service dog. Jewel can now perform an impressive array of tasks, including opening doors, picking up items from the floor, providing anxiety relief, illuminating rooms, and even helping to interrupt nightmares. Her training has been an incredible success, and she is now ready to embark on the next chapter of her life—Team Training to meet her forever partner.

We welcomed United States Marine Corps veteran Todd from Colorado to the Southwest Regional Training Center in Oceanside, California, for an intensive two-week Team Training program. Team Training is a lot like college with a mix of lecture and hands-on training, learning how to work with a service dog so the dog can increase independence.

From the very first day of Team Training, Todd had the opportunity to interact with several service dogs, each offering their unique qualities and abilities. By the second day, one extraordinary dog had already captured his heart— Jewel! Over the following week and a half, Todd and Jewel formed a deep bond, participating in guided field trips to public places, where they learned to function as a seamless team in real-world scenarios. Todd acquired invaluable skills, from grooming and maintaining Jewel to playing and snuggling, reinforcing their strong connection.

Jewel the Service Dog from Canine Companions and her new match Todd the Veteran

After two weeks of intensive training, Todd and Jewel had become an inseparable, dynamic duo. The final day of Team Training involves both a written and practical examination. This ensures that Todd and Jewel are fully equipped to face the world together, ready to conquer any challenges that may arise. Additionally, Todd has gained the knowledge to continue training Jewel according to his specific needs at home.  We eagerly anticipate the upcoming celebration of Todd and Jewel’s graduation, a momentous occasion that marks the beginning of their incredible journey together.

Introducing Jewel, Dogtopia of Lafayette's First Service Dog For A Veteran! Sponsored with Canine Companions.

September 2024:

The journey of future service dog, Jewel, continues to unfold!

During her time with her dedicated volunteer puppy raiser in Denver, Colorado, Jewel has mastered crucial foundational cues, laying a strong groundwork for her upcoming professional training. She has been exposed to new experiences, from bustling train rides and movie theaters to various animals, office environments, and school environments with children. Each interaction has contributed to Jewel’s growth and readiness for the next phase.

Under the guidance of her puppy raiser, Jewel has thrived in an environment filled with socialization, puppy classes, enriching playtime, and, of course, boundless affection! Now, she is ready to embark on her journey into professional training, where she will collaborate closely with one of Canine Companions expert trainers to master the 45 essential tasks she will perform as a service dog.

As Jewel transitions into this new chapter, we wish Jewel good luck in her next journey and can’t wait to see what professional training holds for her.

October 2024:

Not long ago, Canine Companions adorable puppy, Jewel, embarked on her remarkable journey towards becoming a service dog. In those early days, Jewel was a whirlwind of boundless energy, eagerly discovering the world around her. Under the dedicated guidance of her puppy raiser, she was prepared for the next stage of her journey – professional training.

With tears of joy, Jewel’s loving puppy raisers, Emilia and Amber, entrusted the leash to the capable hands of professional trainer Amy at the Southwest Regional Training Center in Oceanside, California. Over the course of the next months, Amy diligently worked with Jewel, preparing her with the skills she needed to become an expertly trained service dog.

Throughout her professional training, Jewel honed her skills, mastering tasks such as retrieving dropped items, opening doors, and providing assistance with anxiety. Thanks to Amy’s efforts, Jewel now excels in her duties not only at home but also in public settings such as movie theaters, grocery stores, and office environments. Jewel also received comprehensive medical and temperamental testing to ensure that she will be healthy and happy in her upcoming role.

canine companions service dog college Jewel

It takes an exceptional dog to graduate as a service dog. They must be highly proficient in the trained tasks that help provide independence to a person with a disability. Jewel is looking forward to meeting her future partner at Team Training in the next update! Your support of dogs like Jewel helps provide increased independence, love, loyalty and the positivity of a canine partner for a veteran with a disability.

November 2024:

 After professional training with Amy, Jewel has made remarkable progress in her journey to becoming a service dog. Jewel can now perform an impressive array of tasks, including opening doors, picking up items from the floor, providing anxiety relief, illuminating rooms, and even helping to interrupt nightmares. Her training has been an incredible success, and she is now ready to embark on the next chapter of her life—Team Training to meet her forever partner.

We welcomed United States Marine Corps veteran Todd from Colorado to the Southwest Regional Training Center in Oceanside, California, for an intensive two-week Team Training program. Team Training is a lot like college with a mix of lecture and hands-on training, learning how to work with a service dog so the dog can increase independence.

From the very first day of Team Training, Todd had the opportunity to interact with several service dogs, each offering their unique qualities and abilities. By the second day, one extraordinary dog had already captured his heart— Jewel! Over the following week and a half, Todd and Jewel formed a deep bond, participating in guided field trips to public places, where they learned to function as a seamless team in real-world scenarios. Todd acquired invaluable skills, from grooming and maintaining Jewel to playing and snuggling, reinforcing their strong connection.

Jewel the Service Dog from Canine Companions and her new match Todd the Veteran

After two weeks of intensive training, Todd and Jewel had become an inseparable, dynamic duo. The final day of Team Training involves both a written and practical examination. This ensures that Todd and Jewel are fully equipped to face the world together, ready to conquer any challenges that may arise. Additionally, Todd has gained the knowledge to continue training Jewel according to his specific needs at home.  We eagerly anticipate the upcoming celebration of Todd and Jewel’s graduation, a momentous occasion that marks the beginning of their incredible journey together.

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Mon 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Tue 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Wed 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Thu 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Fri 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sun 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM