Dogtopia seeks the best locations in the marketplace to provide dog parents with exceptional dog care. Our modern, high-quality daycare and boarding facilities are built in neighborhoods, residential towers, and corporate campuses.

>90Mdogs in the USA

67%of all households in the US own at least one pet

95%of pet owner view their pets as family members

The Dogtopia Advantage: A High-Value, Reliable Tenant Bringing Consistent Foot Traffic and Positive Community Impact
- #1 in dog daycare search engine results in North America
- 800-1,000 dog parent visits per week, led by dog parents who have $35+ a day to spend on doggie daycare
- Habit driven activity complements daily uses: coffee, QSRs, personal services, gym, etc.
- Despite Dogtopia’s large footprint, we have a low parking dwell time, benefiting restaurants, gyms, & other high rent co-tenants that require sufficient & convenient parking for their success
Real Estate Criteria
Square Footage
- 4,200-7,000 square feet
Minimum Utilities
- Cold water: 1.5” line stubbed to premises
- Sewer: 4”
- Electrical Service: 400A at 120/208 (600A at 120/208v if gas is not stubbed to premises)
- Gas: Required only if electrical services is below 600A
Preferred Parking
- Two dedicated parking spots for pick up/drop off
Rental Threshold
- Gross annual rent of $120,000-$165,000
- Anything over $150,000 per annum gross will require an approval process with the Dogtopia Support Office and franchisee
Location Types
- Retail: Free standing, inline and endcaps all acceptable
- Light Industrial: Same as retail, space must be visible from road
Zoning Requirements
- Commerical zoning that permits overnight boarding and dog daycare Minimum
Trade Area Criteria
Household Income: $100,000+
Higher female population density: 51%+
Population: 45,000 Combined daytime and residential population within 15-minute drive time
25,000+ vehicles per day
Preferred Co-Tenants: National, Regional Big Box Anchors and Daily Use
Complementary Uses: Veterinary Clinics, Pet Supplies i.e. Pet Supplies Plus, PetCo, Pet Vet 365
- San Diego, CA
- Los Gatos, CA
- Colorado Springs, CO
- Castle Rock, CO
- Monument, CO
- Newton, CT
- Peachtree City, GA
- College Park, MD
- Canton, MI
- Minneapolis, MN
- Holly Springs, NC
- Raleigh, NC
- Wilmington, NC
- Freehold, NJ
- Bridgewater, NJ
- Cherry Hill, NJ
- South Middlesex County, NJ
- Mercer County, NJ
- Gresham, OR
- Portland, OR
- Bucks County, PA
- Philadelphia County, PA
- Montgomery County, PA
- Dallas, TX
- Ashburn, VA
- Leesburg, VA
- Norfolk, VA
- Vancouver, WA
Frequently Asked Questions
Will having a Dogtopia location impact the property's parking or traffic flow?
What makes Dogtopia a good tenant for my property?
How does Dogtopia contribute to the overall tenant mix and community?
Can Dogtopia adapt to different types of commercial spaces?
How does Dogtopia handle noise control?
What kind of buildout does a Dogtopia location require?
What is the typical lease term for a Dogtopia location?
How does Dogtopia manage waste and sanitation?
Are there any concerns about odor from a Dogtopia location?
Common Misconceptions: Co-Tenants
Submit your site or contact us today to explore partnership opportunities. We're actively seeking prime locations to expand our growing brand.