Hot Days Ahead – Summer Doggy Daycare Near You!
May 17, 2018

It’s spring in Michigan and that means hot, humid summer days are right around the corner! After our long winters, it’s such a welcome relief to see that temperature rise. Dogs are excited about it too, since this means more outside time and time to play with their friends! If you, like many people, are the sort of person who is stuck at work all day while your dog stays at home, you’ll notice your dog is a lot more eager about going for walks now that there isn’t an inch or two of snow on the ground. Dogs love getting out into the warm sunshine!
If your dog is a Dogtopia dog, they’re in luck! At Dogtopia, on warm days our dogs get to enjoy the summer sun in our private outdoor playground! Water loving breeds are excited when we schedule a dog pool party. We use a kiddie sized pool under careful supervision, along with hoses and fountains to ramp up the excitement.
That’s the beauty of Dogtopia. We strive not to be cookie-cutter. We really get to know our pet parents and doggy clients, and that means that we know what will make them HAPPY. Dogs at Dogtopia love coming here because they get to see their dog friends and they KNOW they’re going to have a good time, because we cater to them. Your dogs well-being and happiness is out top concern.
For instance, we know that your short fur, light haired bulldog needs to take frequent breaks from being exposed to the sun. Bulldogs and short nosed breeds are prone to heat stress, and their short fine fur doesn’t protect them from brutal summer sunshine, which means they can get a sun burn. We know that your little papillon most likely won’t partake of our puppy pool party – they’re far too elegant to mess up their fur! We know that your Golden Retriever is absolutely dying to make friends with everyone, and that they’ll get so excited about meeting new friends that they might just flop down in the middle of the kiddie pool to cool down after all that excitement. We truly get to know your dog, and all of our dog guests at Dogtopia.
If you’re planning a summer vacation, now is the time to contact us to ensure that we have room for your dog at our dog boarding. Book early! Our pet boarding services become filled early and often during summer and around holidays. If you want your dog to have the best dog boarding experience, a true ‘home away from home’, you need to reserve your space as soon as possible.