Take Your Dog To Work, Or Doggie Day Care?
June 22, 2016
Yay Friday! Our Dogtopia pups are just as excited for the weekend as we’re sure you are. Some lucky pet parents had the privilege of taking their dog to work today, as employers are more frequently allowing the celebration of Take Your Dog to Work Day. Pet Sitters International created Take Your Dog To Work Day in 1999 to increase dog rescues from shelters and spread the word about the benefits of having a dog as a companion. It’s celebrated after Father’s Day, the following Friday, if you’d like to mark it on your calendar for future reference. Pet Supplies Plus, a large pet retailer here in Michigan, made the announcement that they’re encouraging pet parents to bring their pooch in this Friday… although that’s not much of a change from EVERY Friday at Pet Supplies Plus, where pets are welcomed in the office as part of their “Furrr-idays” employee perks.
For most people, an office full of dogs sounds like a dream. However, it’s important to remember that’s not true for everyone. An article titled “No, I Do Not Want to Pet Your Dog“, now infamous on the internet, wrote scornfully about those who bring their dog to work. The author says:
More Americans seek medical attention for dog bites than for choking or falls. You’re more likely to have to go to a doctor for a bite than to call the fire department for a home fire. Like it or not, American dog owner, your pet is a hazard.
But let’s leave aside the possibility that I’m scared (maybe legitimately!) of your dog, since you’ve assured me your dog loves people, and there’s no chance you could be wrong. What if I’m allergic? Or what if I just plain hate your dog? What if I think he’s dirty, since after all he did just put his nose in another dog’s butt? And what if I just want to go through my workday without being slobbered on by an animal?
In a dog friendly world like ours, it’s pretty hard to imagine someone might not like our pups. What’s not to love about happy, healthy, tail-wagging sweet puppy faces?? However, some people have had a bad experience with dogs in the past (bites when they were young children seem to be a big culprit) and have an intense fear or distrust of dog as a result, sometimes bordering on phobia (cynophobia = fear of dogs). Some poor folks are highly allergic to dog dander, and exposing them to that in the workplace is something employers have a hard time justifying. Also, some workplaces just aren’t conducive to having a dog around- say, a restaurant kitchen or a medical office. As much as we love our pups, it’s not hard to see why sometimes they shouldn’t be in the workplace.
That’s why doggie day care is so amazing for dogs and their loving owners. Bringing your dog to Dogtopia’s doggie day care means they’ll be able to play all day, safe and secure in our monitored play rooms and outdoor areas. Our staff LOVES dogs, and you can see for yourself- just tune into our webcams to check in on your pup throughout the day! When weighing your options, ask yourself which would make your dog happier: playing and socializing with other dogs all day in an environment that allows them to fully exercise, or accompanying you to the office where you’ll need to keep them at least somewhat ‘reigned-in’ so everyone can stay productive. Additionally, keep in mind that we offer half days of play for those who might prefer keeping their pup in the office for part of the day. Contact us for details!

Undecided? You won’t be after you’ve toured our awesome facility just off Hall Rd in Utica! We’re conveniently located and a great addition to your lifestyle of keeping your furry family member happy and healthy. Call us today at 586-413-9500 or stop by to check us out!