dog blog

It is important to incorporate dog-safe foods into your pup’s diet. Learning about dog-safe foods and their benefits will allow you to create a balanced diet, which is important for maintaining the overall health of your dog! These foods contain great antioxidants and vitamins that benefit not only the pup’s digestive health but also increase their immune system and maintain a healthy weight. It can also lead to improving the quality of their skin and coat. All things should be given in moderation.

Dog safe foods


    • Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lamb, Pork, Fish, Eggs
      • Unseasoned
      • Boneless
      • High in protein and essential amino acids to support muscle development


      • Apples (seedless)
        • High in fiber, vitamin A and C and can help clean teeth and freshen breath
      • Blueberries
        • Contains antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins C and K, which can help improve their immune system and brain function
      • Bananas
      • Watermelon (seedless)
        • High in vitamins A, B6, C, and potassium. Low in calories and helps with hydration
      • Strawberries (stems removed)
        • Rich in antioxidants, high in vitamin C, and contains an enzyme that helps clean your dogs teeth naturally
      • Mango (pit and skin removed)
        • Rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which supports vision, skin and coat, and their immune system


    • Carrots
      • Rich is beta-carotene which is good for their teeth and eyes
    • Green Beans
      • High in fiber and a good source of vitamins A, C, and K
    • Cucumbers
      • Low in calories and great for hydration
    • Sweet Potatoes (cooked)
      • Rich in fiber, beta-carotene, and vitamins B6 and C, which supports a healthy digestive system
    • Pumpkin (cooked)
      • Is high in fiber and beta-carotene, which aids in digestion and can help with diarrhea and constipation
    • Peas
      • High in fiber, a source of protein and iron
      • Avoid canned peas


    • Rice (cooked)
      • Easily digestible and great for dogs with an upset stomach
    • Oatmeal (cooked)
      • A good source of vitamin B, iron, and magnesium, which aids in maintaining healthy skin and coat, energy levels, and supports muscle and nerve function
    • Quinoa (cooked)
      • Contains magnesium and potassium which supports cardiovascular health and is a great source of protein
    • Barley
      • Rich in fiber which aids in digestion and supports weight management

Dairy (in moderation)

    • Plain Yogurt
      • Rich in probiotics which supports gut health and is a good source of calcium and protein
    • Cottage Cheese
      • Supports a healthy digestive system through probiotics and is a great source of vitamins and minerals
    • Cheese
      • Contains essential fatty acids that help maintain healthy skin and coat and is rich in calcium and protein


    • Peanut Butter
      • A great source of protein and healthy fats and contains vitamins B and E
    • Coconut (unsweetened)
      • Rich in healthy fats that supports brain function and promotes healthy skin and coat

Foods to avoid

  • Chocolate
  • Grapes and Raisins
  • Onions and Garlic
  • Avocado
  • Cooked Bones

Be sure that any food does not contain Xylitol. This is extremely toxic to dogs and leads to a rapid and severe drop in blood sugar levels. Symptoms of this include vomiting, weakness, and lack of coordination. It is good practice to introduce new foods gradually and to monitor your dog’s reaction when trying something new. Have an older dog? Learn more about the right diet for a senior dog and how dogs’ nutritional needs change as they get older.

Learning about dog-safe foods and their benefits will help balance your dog’s diets and help them live a healthy life. Don’t have time to create new meals for your dog? We do themed treats with our pups weekly so they can expand their tastes!  If you’re interested in booking any of our daycareboarding, or spa services, please fill out our online contact form or call us at 321-294-4102 to arrange a meeting with our team. We can’t wait to welcome you and your pup to their new home away from home!