Viera Service Dogs

Even Heroes Need Heroes

We are committed to uniting service dogs with military veterans. We do this by generating awareness of the benefits of service dogs, and hosting fundraisers throughout the year so we can help sponsor their training. Thanks to the continuous generosity of our pet parents and community supporters, we're making an impact.

We're honored to highlight our furry, four-legged heroes who have graduated from training as loyal, hardworking companions for the brave men and women who served our country. It's hard work to become a service dog for a veteran and only the best make the cut. The need for service dogs among veterans is great and with your support, we hope to sponsor many more.

Determined to end veteran suicide, K9s for Warriors provides highly-trained Service Dogs to military veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma. K9s for Warriors is the nation's largest provider of trained Service Dogs for disabled American Veterans.


The Dogtopia Foundation was established to “enable dogs to positively change our world” and they do just that. Professional studies and evidence further validate what many people already know to be true. Animal companionship helps support beneficial physical and mental health outcomes including:

Assistance with Physical Disabilities: Service dogs are trained to assist veterans with mobility concerns, such as those who use wheelchairs, by opening doors, picking items up from the floor or another surface, and providing balance and stability.

Improving Mental Health Conditions: Service dogs provide support to veterans with mental health conditions such as PTSD, depression and anxiety. They offer emotional support, interrupt panic attacks, provide a sense of security. Helping veterans feel more connected to the world around them.

Increased Socialization: Veterans with service dogs find it easier to interact with other people as the dog acts as a social bridge and helps them feel more comfortable in social situations.

Regain a Sense of Independence: Service dogs enable veterans to perform tasks that they may not be able to do on their own.  Therefore increasing their sense of independence.

Companionship: Service dogs offer companionship and unconditional love, which is particularly beneficial for veterans who may feel isolated or alone.




Service Dog Organization:

K9s For Warriors

Graduation Date:


Beamer is a Fetch It Forward dog supported by the Dogtopia Foundation. We build up donations for the foundation through proceeds from our pet parents. Our pet parents have their pups participate in fun activities while giving to a fantastic cause. The Dogtopia Foundation enables dogs to change our world positively. Beamer was acquired from U.S Veterans Service Dogs and trained by Denae Jernukian. Once Beamer completed his training, he met his owner Harold on October 7, 2022. Beamer's graduation was on October 20, 2022.

Beamer is a Fetch It Forward dog supported by the Dogtopia Foundation. We build up donations for the foundation through proceeds from our pet parents. Our pet parents have their pups participate in fun activities while giving to a fantastic cause. The Dogtopia Foundation enables dogs to change our world positively. Beamer was acquired from U.S Veterans Service Dogs and trained by Denae Jernukian. Once Beamer completed his training, he met his owner Harold on October 7, 2022. Beamer's graduation was on October 20, 2022.

service dogs k9sfor warriors


Service Dog Organization:

K9s For Warriors

Graduation Date:


Angel is Dogtopia of Viera's second service dog that we have had the pleasure of sponsoring. Angel went through extensive training to pass her final skills test and finally be paired with her Warrior Devlin. Devlin is an Army veteran from IL. We are very grateful to our team as well as our pet parents for continuing to support the K9s for Warriors program. This gives us the opportunity to give veterans a "new leash of life!"

Angel is Dogtopia of Viera's second service dog that we have had the pleasure of sponsoring. Angel went through extensive training to pass her final skills test and finally be paired with her Warrior Devlin. Devlin is an Army veteran from IL. We are very grateful to our team as well as our pet parents for continuing to support the K9s for Warriors program. This gives us the opportunity to give veterans a "new leash of life!"



Service Dog Organization:

K9s For Warriors

Graduation Date:


Cowboy was donated at 11 weeks old by Ellie Nunez of Mount Doodles Farm in Fruitland Park, Florida. Cowboy started his training at the puppy launch as a michievous and rambunctious ball of fluff and went on to be raised by Deanna Fisher. Through countless bours of dedication, Deanna was able to form that fluff omtp a wonderful Battle Buddy. Cowboy is Deanna's 10th puppy she has raised for K9s For Warriors. Cowboy completed his final training with Puppy Program Trainer Jen Speran. Cowboy is also a Featch It Forward dog through the Dogtopia Foundation, supported by Dogtopia of Viera. Nathaniel and Cowboy me in May 2024. Nathaniel and Cowboy graduated May 23, 2024.

Cowboy was donated at 11 weeks old by Ellie Nunez of Mount Doodles Farm in Fruitland Park, Florida. Cowboy started his training at the puppy launch as a michievous and rambunctious ball of fluff and went on to be raised by Deanna Fisher. Through countless bours of dedication, Deanna was able to form that fluff omtp a wonderful Battle Buddy. Cowboy is Deanna's 10th puppy she has raised for K9s For Warriors. Cowboy completed his final training with Puppy Program Trainer Jen Speran. Cowboy is also a Featch It Forward dog through the Dogtopia Foundation, supported by Dogtopia of Viera. Nathaniel and Cowboy me in May 2024. Nathaniel and Cowboy graduated May 23, 2024.

k9s for warriors, service dogs, dogtopia foundation

Mama Bear

Service Dog Organization:

K9s For Warriors

Graduation Date:


Mark and Mama Bear met December 2, 2022. Mama Bear was aquired from Ridgeview Labs and trained by Haley Kenny and TJ Wright. Mama Bear is a fetch it forward dog through the Dogtopia Foundation, supported by Dogtopia of Viera. Brenda and her family chose the name Mama Bear knowing that she would be there to care for her warriors. Mark and Mama Bear graduated December 15, 2022.

Mark and Mama Bear met December 2, 2022. Mama Bear was aquired from Ridgeview Labs and trained by Haley Kenny and TJ Wright. Mama Bear is a fetch it forward dog through the Dogtopia Foundation, supported by Dogtopia of Viera. Brenda and her family chose the name Mama Bear knowing that she would be there to care for her warriors. Mark and Mama Bear graduated December 15, 2022.

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Mon 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tue 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Wed 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thu 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Fri 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sun Closed
Memorial Day CLOSED
Fourth of July CLOSED
Labor Day CLOSED