Woodbury Puppy Preschool

Your pup will love learning through playing!

Dogtopia Puppy PreschoolA puppy’s first year is critical in developing their behavior and personality, that’s why safe socialization is needed right from the start. Happy, healthy puppies need plenty of playtime in a safe setting for learning and growing with friends.

That’s where we come in; we’re the Puppy Love Experts!

6 Week Puppy Preschool* includes:

  • Open and structured play in a clean and safe environment
  • Crate training
  • Learning new cues like sit, down and off
  • Education to discourage jumping, nipping and other unwanted behaviors
  • Exposure to new sights, smells and sounds
  • Breaks and nap time
  • A certified Canine Coach to manage and educate all puppies
  • Meeting their BFFFs (Best Furry Friends Forever)
  • Convenient Saturday classes
  • Graduation ceremony

Repetition is key to learning! Our Puppy Love Experts recommend puppies attend preschool for the full 6 weeks to help them grow into a well-balanced dog. Upon completion, your puppy will be celebrated in a special graduation ceremony. A picture-perfect opportunity to commemorate their big accomplishment!

*Puppies must be at least 12 weeks old and fully vaccinated.

A Day In The Life of Puppy Preschool

Drop Off/Open Play: As puppies are dropped off, they will enjoy open and structured playtime with their BFFFs (Best Furry Friends Forever) while learning good behavior as they are taught to not jump, bark or nip.

Structured Play: Puppies will engage in a new activity the second hour including follow the leader, collar desensitization, agility courses, bubbles and more. The puppies will also engage in enrichment activities to introduce them to situations they will encounter in the real world, including hearing different sounds, smelling new scents and seeing new things.

Pick up/Open Play: After a full day of learning, puppies will enjoy open play until they are reunited with their pet parent.


  • Pay as you go for $10 a class
  • Purchase a 3-class package for $28
  • Purchase a 6-class package for $55

Enroll in Puppy Preschool

Classes take place every Saturday from 10am to 12pm. It’s an open enrollment process, so your puppy can start whenever it works best for your schedule.

Puppy Preschool

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Mon 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Tue 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Wed 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Thu 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Fri 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sun 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM